Emotional Health Education & Cultivating Heart Qualities

Based on Ancient Greek Philosophy and Modern Human Sciences

Why it needs to be taught in schools and universities worldwide

Why it is important for the business world & intercultural understanding

Why it is needed for the
Digital World

What is Emotional Education?

Emotional Education is the systematic development of our emotions, feelings, and intuitive capacities, just as our current school system systematically trains our thinking capacities. Emotional Education acknowledges that through feelings, we have intuitive access to insights and knowledge as we have logical access to knowledge through thinking.

Why is it a must-have?

Our current worldwide personal, interpersonal, cultural, and intercultural problems spring from education systems that train our thinking while neglecting our feelings. Bringing back a balanced education that sees the strength and weaknesses of both the thinking and feeling access to knowledge will lead to new insights and solutions that cannot be found by only using the thinking mind.

Additionally, Eastern and Western Cultures have different approaches to knowledge. While Eastern Cultures think more with their feelings than Western Cultures, which focus on the rational mind, Emotional Education would help support intercultural understanding.

A Driver's License for Relationships

Through emotions, we are in relationships in our daily life, private and business. Relationships are the basis of every interaction we have. We don’t allow people to drive cars without a driver’s license because it would be harmful. Why do we accept going through life and interacting with others without an “emotional driver’s license”? Why are we not learning and testing one’s relationship capabilities as we do in schools with math or any other subject? Relationship capabilities are based on emotional maturity gained through Emotional Education. 

The damage of leaders who govern companies and countries based on severe personal emotional conflicts is devastating.

What are the results?

Emotional Education leads to a healthy and strong relationship with your inner self. You connect clearly to your intuition, inner guidance, and ethics. 

In this way, it is less likely to be manipulated by external influences. You can respect trustworthy authorities and identify false ones. You will be able to feel, think and act in coherence with a healthy sense of honor and authenticity. You don’t need to pretend to be someone you are not.

Emotional Education & Ethics

A part of Emotional Education is a way to build one’s character and learn ethics – not only with your mind but also with your emotional body. Why is this necessary? Our subconsciousness mainly drives our actions and, therefore, our emotions. By developing our feelings, we change our actions, as the mind alone cannot do this.

Furthermore, the Eastern and Western Worlds have different understandings of Ethics. Feminine ethics, primarily driven by intuitive knowledge, are more common in the East, and masculine Ethics, mainly driven by cognitive ability, dominate in the West. Through “Emotional Education,” understanding both could help intercultural understanding

Who will most benefit from it?

Again, as with most skills, the earlier you learn, the easier it will be to understand and become highly skilled. Emotional Education can and should begin in kindergarten with a playful approach. The more power a person has over other people [politicians, business leaders, medical professionals, teachers,…], the higher their emotional maturity should be. Otherwise, they will misuse their power due to unresolved, hidden emotional conflicts.

How long will it take to be a master?

Mastering any art or skill takes time. The more you study and practice Emotional Education, the more sophisticated you will become. And, as with any craft or art, only some who practice regularly, e.g., music, will become someone like Mozart. But everyone can get their high school degree in Emotional Education as everyone can get it in Mathematics.



All images of flowers on this website are from rawpixel.com 


What is the philosophical background?

While today the Western culture is obsessed with Eastern spiritual approaches to a healthy and fulfilled life, there is a forgotten original Western spiritual heritage. Ancient Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle taught that to achieve Eudaemonia, a spiritually, emotionally, and mentally fulfilled and healthy life in harmony with oneself and society; we need to cultivate our heart qualities [they called them virtues]. This cultivation of character is the missing counterpart to the Eastern path of detaching and transcending one’s self.

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."

Friedrich Schiller
"Reason has done what it can do, when it finds and establishes the law. It is the courageous will and the living feeling that must carry it out. If the Enlightenment has so far proved its victorious power so little, this is not due to the intellect, which did not know how to unveil it, but to the heart, which closed itself to it."

Aesthetical Letters 1759
Adam Smith
"How selfish soever man may be supposed, there are evidently some principles in his nature, which interest him in the fortune of others, and render their happiness necessary to him, though he derives nothing from it except the pleasure of seeing it".

The Theory of Moral Sentiments 1759
Georg Simmel
"The one taken into apprenticeship with a master thereby became a member of his family, etc.; in short, professional employment centralized the whole life, the political and heart life often included, in the most energetic way."

Sociology 1908
Hannah Arendt
"Every man, it was assumed, carried within himself a voice that told him what was right and what was wrong, and this regardless of the law of the land and the voices of his fellows."

Some Thoughts of Moral Philosophy 1965
Albert Einstein
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

Dalai Lama
When educating the minds of our youth, we must not forget to educate their hearts.